Sunday 14 February 2010

The Day I Died....

The title doesn't mean anything, just had that Just Jack song in my head all week. So it has been a ridiculously busy weekend at work, as expected. Very tired, but came home to find Caroline cleaning the house, having baked a cake and being about to prepare dinner. I knew there was a reason I keep her around! That was a joke by the way.
So we have set a date, calm down mum, it's a date for the first podcast recording. I'm just sifting through all my favourite stories, trying to find the right one for our first show. I think I have what I want to say more or less sorted, just hope people like it. If nothing else, it will be a nice chance to hang out with Howard, which I always enjoy.
Too tired to write coherently tonight so here are some things I like at the moment:
Chris Jericho
CM Punk
Just Jack
Fox's Crunch Extremely Chocolatey Cookies
Having cake made for me!

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