Friday, 20 February 2009


Okay, so I’m fairly certain I’m not the first person write about how stupid customers are, but I have my own twopence worth of rant to have!
Now, I run a shop, selling toys, gifts, games and random things. In the window are such items as Sticklebricks, Etch-A-Sketch and Emu puppets. However, this still leads people to come in and ask us for things. We are keeping a running tally…currently the list includes but is not limited to:
Paper Tablecloths
There are many others but these struck me as the most ridiculous. Seriously, who sees a giant poster in the window saying ‘Retro’ in big dayglo multicolours, and thinks ‘I wonder if they will arrange my last living wishes’? What bit of your brain is misfiring? Seriously, I can’t think of any place less likely to deal with grieving relatives than us. What the hell is wrong with you people? For a will, go to a lawyer! For lightbulbs go to a hardware shop. For toys and random things, come and see me!

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