So I guess it has been a while since I wrote anything here. Firstly, podcast news! Had a busy few weeks with the show (Aurally Fixated), what with having guests and holidays and stuff to do. So we got back from NY and straight into a networking event in Leeds with CultureVultures website. Normally I would have sent Howard or at least made him come with me, he is the one comfortable with public speaking after all. I am distinctly ill at ease in social situations, I just don't like people enough to be nice to them. Especially pretend nice! I met some nice people there though, so that was nice. Almost forgot, we got some business cards made up, which you can see below...

It was, shall we say, a bit wanky! Lots of people full of their own self importance because they write a little blog or write some poems. But then there were some really nice people who we will probably do something with in the future. Picked up a few extra followers which was the whole point of going. Also going to perform/present at an event organised by one of the people I met there, Richard from @bettakultcha. He does this thing where people get 5 minutes to talk about anything they are passionate about, accompanied by 12 slides which change every 15 seconds. We are meeting on Monday to write it, but I think we will be performing our origin story.
We have had 3 sets of guests recently, all of which went really well. Episode 17 featured Peter Marshall and The Lomos, or Spencer and Pete. They do comedy-pop songs and we got on really well with the show coming out very funny. We even sang along, badly I might add.
Last week we were joined by 'friend of the show' Richard Massara, a friend of Howard's from university days. He is a comedian/actor who played a storming set at AF-Live a couple months back. He and Howard get a bit carried away when they get together so while it was a very funny show, it got a bit much for me and there was a good 5 minutes where I didn't speak. Although they were talking about milking my testicles at the time!
This week we had another guest, or rather 3 guests. We were joined by 3/4 of local metal band Drowned In Flames. Both Howard and I know the bass player Arran pretty well from working together and I know the singer Craig a little. We thought it would be a nice change of pace for the show and went really well, we had a really good laugh and all 3 of the guys were chatty and funny. We will probably have them back for part 2 at some point.
Next week will be just Howard and I, we decided the sound quality is better when it is just the 2 of us, and we haven't done one just the two of us for over a month now!
I, personally have a long couple of weeks coming up, starting with going to see Ash on Sunday, very excited!! Then we have The Lomos gig at The Basement, City Screen on Friday, before we trek through to Leeds for BettaKultcha 3.
So, before I go, go buy tickets for The Lomos gig here:
And go check out Drowned in Flames here:
Oh, and of course not forgetting to visit Rich Massara for details of his Edinburgh show here:

It was, shall we say, a bit wanky! Lots of people full of their own self importance because they write a little blog or write some poems. But then there were some really nice people who we will probably do something with in the future. Picked up a few extra followers which was the whole point of going. Also going to perform/present at an event organised by one of the people I met there, Richard from @bettakultcha. He does this thing where people get 5 minutes to talk about anything they are passionate about, accompanied by 12 slides which change every 15 seconds. We are meeting on Monday to write it, but I think we will be performing our origin story.
We have had 3 sets of guests recently, all of which went really well. Episode 17 featured Peter Marshall and The Lomos, or Spencer and Pete. They do comedy-pop songs and we got on really well with the show coming out very funny. We even sang along, badly I might add.
Last week we were joined by 'friend of the show' Richard Massara, a friend of Howard's from university days. He is a comedian/actor who played a storming set at AF-Live a couple months back. He and Howard get a bit carried away when they get together so while it was a very funny show, it got a bit much for me and there was a good 5 minutes where I didn't speak. Although they were talking about milking my testicles at the time!
This week we had another guest, or rather 3 guests. We were joined by 3/4 of local metal band Drowned In Flames. Both Howard and I know the bass player Arran pretty well from working together and I know the singer Craig a little. We thought it would be a nice change of pace for the show and went really well, we had a really good laugh and all 3 of the guys were chatty and funny. We will probably have them back for part 2 at some point.
Next week will be just Howard and I, we decided the sound quality is better when it is just the 2 of us, and we haven't done one just the two of us for over a month now!
I, personally have a long couple of weeks coming up, starting with going to see Ash on Sunday, very excited!! Then we have The Lomos gig at The Basement, City Screen on Friday, before we trek through to Leeds for BettaKultcha 3.
So, before I go, go buy tickets for The Lomos gig here:
And go check out Drowned in Flames here:
Oh, and of course not forgetting to visit Rich Massara for details of his Edinburgh show here:
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