Why is it that people are so annoying? On Sunday morning I went in to work early, mostly to tidy up from a very busy Saturday. After being there for nearly four hours it became almost time for the customers to be let in. Over the course of the 4 hours many people had tried the doors. What toyshops are open at 8.15 am on a weekday, never mind a Sunday? Really, who would expect a shop at 9.20am on a Sunday, containing me in my scruffiest day off clothes and wearing my headphones, to be open? So eventually we got to 10 minutes before opening time, the staff arrived. We went to open the door to let them in and people started doing the pushing thing trying to come in. We pointed out that we were just letting the staff in, and we would be open soon.
When we actually did open one annoying woman in particular tried to push into the shop before the doors were even open. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I tend to wait until the staff have actually opened the doors before I enter! Even worse, the same woman then took a gentle stroll at the slowest amble I have ever seen, and I walk everywhere slowly! It's just fucking rude!
Over the past week we have also had a woman buy stuff and then return it 4 minutes later, which I think might be a new record!
Roll on Christmas…
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