Saturday, 19 September 2009

Pete, where are you Pete?

It is so frustrating. You know when you meet someone and get on straight away? I met a guy in Glasgow like that; he managed my local video shop. After living there for about 2 years we got chatting one day and I realised we had a lot to talk about. I feel a little like I stalked him for a while there. It was during a period of what you might call boredom. I could probably call it depression and get 6 months off work but that is what whiny bitches do! We hung out in the shop a couple times a week for a couple hours at a time, shooting the shit about all sorts of things. I really liked Pete, except that now sadly I think we have lost contact, even in this day and age of Facebook, myspace and Twitter. You see, the problem is, his name is not Pete. It is Patrick, and I have spent so long thinking of him as just Pete, and being back in York for 3 years now, I am ashamed to admit I have forgotten his surname! I know it was Mc-something (cliché I know!) but I don’t have any way of finding him. The video shop closed down before I left and he was about to move house and job as I left. So now what? I have tried searching through Facebook, but what am I supposed to do? Look for everyone called Pete in Glasgow? I suspect that might be a long search!
I was thinking about him today, seems a shame to lose track of someone I really liked. Maybe I will carry on my search…maybe I will accept that that friendship might be over; maybe my life will be just a little sadder.
I realise that none of my friends here ever met Pete, but in a way he was a really close friend, and I miss spending all those hours just mooching and fighting about films with him.